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High End 3D LUT for Canon DSLRs Camera
CinemaPro Alexa LUT is designed specifically to utilize Faithful profile workflow for Canon DSLR Camera. It dives into color science of the camera sensor bringing the ARRI Alexa cinematic look with few clicks of the mouse.
Working with CinemaPro Alexa LUT is so simple
CinemaPro Alexa LUT is an excellent choice for color grading, all you have to do is find your white balance and exposure, the rest is up to your creative choice.
Our Canon DSLR Camera LUT are created using precise color fidelity, making sure there is a true Colorspace transform whitout color artifacts or unwanted banding.
Highlights. Like Film
Get an organic rolloff, just like film. Highlight rolloff has been added to avoid RGB channel clipping, maintaing detail bellow full white.
Featured Products

Canon to Alexa LUT Package
Designed to transforms Canon DSLRs footage
to match the color science of the ARRI Alexa.

Gopro to Alexa LUT Package
Designed for Gopro footage
to match the color sicence of the ARRI Alexa.

Canon to Panavision DXL2 LUT
Designed to transforms Canon DSLRs footage
to match the color science of the Panavision DXL2s Light Iron color.

Cinematic LUTs
Cinematic LUTs designed to emulates the
Blockbuster inspired look that made all the hollywood memorable.
High Quality LUT
The LUTs are built with high quality control and have been thoroughly stress tested, so the conversion is free of artifacts, banding or color artifacts
Colorspace Transform
The color is transformed from your footage to a variety of Cinematic colorspace, resulting in a natural color reproduction, where each color is true to life, ensuring a great looking scene.
The color is transformed from your footage to a variety of Cinematic colorspace, resulting in a natural color reproduction, where each color is true to life, ensuring a great looking scene.
Happy User Experiences
“Just love it! Really makes my footage cinematic. ”
“My best investement for my post workflow so far. I love the skin tone that your LUTs produce ”
“This LUTs for the Canon are awesome. My videos have never looked so great.”
“My experience with your LUTs has been incredible. By far the best I have used.”